AXE Bullet Review by Tiaan Potgieter
Bullets for the following calibers were loaded up with various powders and taken to the range.
All bullets were shot on 100m at a set of conveyors 10mm thick with a total of 20.
At the back a 25L water drum was also placed.
The photo’s of the groups placed represented the best groupings for the specific calibre.
Photo 1 & 2
243 Win 90gr (19 conveyors penetrated)
Shot 1: 3309ft/s
Shot 2: 3284ft/s
Shot 3: 3318ft/s
Weight retention 90.11%
Photo 3 & 4
308 Win 168gr (19 conveyors penetrated)
Shot 1: 2468ft/s
Shot 2: 2484ft/s
Shot 3: 2481ft/s
Weight retention 99.82%
Photo 5 & 6
9.3×62 250gr (18 conveyors penetrated)
Shot 1: 2322ft/s
Shot 2: 2308ft/s
Shot 3: 2310ft/s
Weight retention 99.60%
Photo 7
9.3×62 250gr LR (20 conveyors & 25lt water drum penetrated)
Shot 1: 2268ft/s
Shot 2: 2259ft/s
Shot 3: 2242ft/s
Weight retention could not be measured as the bullets were not recovered.
On a side note (Photo 
With the 243 the hotter loads passed through all of the conveyors and ended up in the water.
With their speeds being faster than the other loads for which the bullets stuck between the 19th and 20th belts, they broke off their petals due to the higher speeds achieved and have a rounded nose.
Weight retention 64.88%
The last photo shows all the bullets recovered.
In general, I could not be happier with the results of these tests.
There will be further developments done to have the groups tightened.
These bullets performed great and I can confirm that SA made AXE bullets are here to stay and have their way with game, targets and steel.